What to Expect at Drop Off
You should enter the building in the back (by the old Lowes). There is a large garage door, try to pull up there. There will be a check in table. You check in there, verify your contact info, verify your work shifts, choose your pre sale entry, get the pre sale pass, and sign off that you understand the consignor agreement.
You then proceed to bring your items to a check in table assigned to you. The volunteers will check all of your items. Have clothing items sorted by gender, size and type of clothing. (Please note that if your items are not sorted you will be asked to step aside and do so while we take the next appointment.) All Large Items and Furniture need to be assembled prior to your Drop Off time or please allow time to set up on site.
If you arrive late or do not have items fully prepared, per the item preparation guide, at the scheduled drop-off appointment time you will be asked to step aside to the waiting line and fix the issues. We will do our best to check in the items as quickly as there is availability.
Consignors must be present while their items are being inspected- you cannot dump items and leave UNLESS you choose Drive Thru Drop Off. (You must have completed at least one sale and DONATE ALL to participate in Drive Thru Drop Off). The inspectors will give you any items back that are rejected. We will remove the tags of rejected items for our records. After your items are checked, you will place your items out on the sales floor in the appropriate place. There will be maps to guide you. You are expected to place all of your items in the correct place. There will be volunteers assisting you. If we find a random rolling rack with items abandoned and not placed out (You just gave up and left, happens every sale) they will be placed in a box and into storage, we will not put them on the sales floor for you.
Please try to come without children. This can be a lengthy process and it is very busy at this time. If you must have children with you, you need to keep them with you at all times. They should not be playing with or on toys. They should not be running around, and there is no food or drink on the sales floor.
Please try to come without children. This can be a lengthy process and it is very busy at this time. If you must have children with you, you need to keep them with you at all times. They should not be playing with or on toys. They should not be running around, and there is no food or drink on the sales floor.
Reasons your items may be rejected:
Your tags must be on cardstock, not paper. We will reject anything that is not on WHITE cardstock.
We no longer not accept ANY crib mattresses, bumpers or breast pumps or VHS tapes.
We no longer not accept ANY crib mattresses, bumpers or breast pumps or VHS tapes.
The item is dirty or worn, has rips, stains or tears or the zipper is broken.
Your items are not in accordance to our size range or exceed the quantity allowed by the consignor agreement. We takes sizes preemie to 16. Size Ranges up to 12 months (0-3, 3-6, and 6-12) and size 12 and up are limited to 25 items per gender per consignor.
Please don’t feel bad if we turn away items. Turning away substandard items keeps our quality level standards extremely high which is beneficial for all buyers and sellers. You may receive the opportunity to clean, and re-hang or tag the item to meet the accepted guidelines. And please be kind and courteous to the drop of volunteers. They don’t like to turn your items away!
IMPORTANT NOTE: We WILL NOT accept any recalled items, please visit CSPSC to verify that your item is not recalled or subject to an upcoming or pending recall. All cribs must be in accordance with the crib checklist.