Hanging, Sorting, Tagging… oh my! (Part 2)
First step in the process!
Get your bins and put them on hangers. While you are hanging your items INSPECT them for rips, stains, and tears. Anything that is not sellable toss into a donate bin so you don’t spend any further time on them. When you put them on the hanger be sure to button all of the buttons. zip the zippers, snap the snaps,etc. You want your items to look good on the hanger! If you have an oxford, broadcloth shirt or khaki pants that you are asking a little bit more money for- you might want to hit it with the iron quickly- you want your clothing to have a good impression to the buyer!
Here is a second method:
- First off, separate all of your clothing by gender. Anything that is gender neutral you want to put with the boys since it sells better in boys than it does in girls.
- The next thing you want to do is to sort all of your items by size.
- Once your items are sorted by gender and size you want to start entering.
There are some deviations to the next step;
- Some people like to enter 10 items and then print one sheet of tags and attach the tags to the garments.
- Some people like to enter all of their items and then print one big batch. If you are going to have Staples print your tags for you, entering all of your items is your best option.
- Once have printed and cut your tags, you need to attach them to the garment with a tagging gun or safety pins.
- Put the items on a hanger and group them together by size.
- Zip tie, elastic band, tie a ribbon, etc around each size group so it is easier for transport and drop off.
As you can tell, there are many variations of how this can be done. It may take a few sales to hit your stride and figure out what works best for you.
Happy Consigning!