Sunday, April 2, 2017

Want a quick drop off?  Here’s how!

Prepping at home:

Sort clothing by gender and size. Zip tie, bag, elastic band, or tie a ribbon around each size.
Make sure all of your toys work.  They need fresh batteries.  If you can’t make them work at home do not bring them to the sale.
Sort all of your books into one bin, all of your puzzles, into another, all of your toys into another, etc.  This will help you get your items into the floor faster if they are bundled together by kind. Grab a babysitter: Drop-off is really chaotic.  It goes much faster if you don’t have a little person vying for your attention.  Also, there are lots of large pieces of equipment being assembled, it is not the safest place for your little.
Loading your vehicle:
Pack the large and bulky items first and fill in with your lighter items. Try to keep everything secure!
Arriving at Drop off:
Once you arrive at drop off go to the drop off table and check in.  Once you have been assigned a drop off table you will start unloading your car.  Start with the clothing and accessories first since they take the longest to go through.  We have rolling racks you can put your clothing on but they must remain in the building. Once your clothes are unloaded you can then start to bring in your other items. After you have emptied your vehicle you need move your vehicle and park your car in the parking lot so that other vehicles can complete their drop off.
Once the inspection starts- get moving!  Don’t hang out at the table and watch inspection! Once items have been checked get them out onto the floor!  Standing over the inspectors creates stress for both parties.  Our checkers will review with you all of your rejects at the completion of your drop off.